An American Mathematician/Statistician who created the simplex algorithm for linear programming.
Some liberties were taken...
Assume that $X_1, \dots, X_n$ are all i.i.d. $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$.
We wish to test $H_0: \mu = \mu_0$, versus the alternative, $H_1: \mu \neq \mu_0$.
Recall that the statistical power of a test is:\[\begin{aligned} \text{Power} &= \beta(\mu, \sigma) = P(\text{Reject }H_0; \mu, \sigma) \end{aligned} \]
Can you devise a test with power that is independent of $\sigma$?We can transform $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ to a space with $(r, \theta_2, \theta_3, \dots, \theta_n)$. The Jacobian of the transformation is given by $|\Delta_r| = r^{n-1}T(\mathbf{\theta})$.
The surface area of $W_r$ is given by $\int\cdots\int_{W_r}|\Delta|d\theta_1\cdots d\theta_n = r^{n-1}K$, where $K$ is functionally independent of $r$.
Given a parametric family of distributions, parameterized by $\theta \in \Theta$, $w$ is called similar to $W$ with size $\alpha$ if $P(\mathbf{x} \in w; \theta) = \alpha$ for all $\theta \in \Theta$.
If $\mathbf{x}$ is normally distributed, then $w$ is similar to $W$ with size $\alpha$ if and only if, for all $r \geq 0$ we have $P(\mathbf{x} \in w_r | \mathbf{x} \in W_r) = \alpha$.
Suppose $w$ exists with $P(\mathbf{x} \in w; \mu_0) = \alpha$ and $P(\mathbf{x} \in w; \mu_1) = \beta$ for all $\sigma$. That is, $w$ is similar with size $\alpha$ similar with size $\beta$, to normal distributions parameterized by $\sigma$.
Define $W_r$, $W_p$, $w_r$, $w_p$. Then by Theorem 1 $P(\mathbf{x} \in w_r\mid\mathbf{x}\in W_r) = \alpha$ and $P(\mathbf{x} \in w_p\mid\mathbf{x}\in W_p) = \beta$.
Note that normal distributions are constant on hyperspheres around their means.
By (S2) we know that $w_r$ (and $w_p$) must be a constant proportion of the area of $W_r$ (and $W_p$). Therefore $\int\cdots\int_{w_r}|\Delta|d\theta_1\cdots d\theta_n = \alpha r^{n-1}K$ and $\int\cdots\int_{w_p}|\Delta_p|d\theta_1\cdots d\theta_n = \beta p^{n-1}K$.
The distance from $\mathbf{\mu_0}$ to $\mathbf{x}$ is $r$, from $\mathbf{\mu_1}$ to $\mathbf{x}$ is $p$, and from $\mathbf{\mu_0}$ to $\mathbf{\mu_1}$ is $L = \sqrt{n}|\mu_0 - \mu_1|$. By the triangle inequality we get $r \leq L + p$ and $p \leq r + L$.
If $g(t)$ is taken to be an arbitrary monotone function, then the inequality is preserved*.
* or flipped, if $g(t)$ is monotonically decreasing.
Define $I_r(g) = \int_{w} g(r)dx_1\cdots dx_n$ which is transformed to $I_r(g) = \int_w g(r)|\Delta|drd\theta_2\cdots d\theta_n$. We can compute \[I_r(g) = \alpha K \int_{0}^\infty r^{n-1}g(r)dr.\] Also: $I_p(g) = \beta K \int_{0}^\infty p^{n-1}g(p)dp$ and $I_{p+L}(g) = \beta K \int_{0}^\infty g(p+L)p^{n-1}dp$.
Take $g(t) = \exp(-ct)$ for $c \geq 0$.
Then $g(r) \geq g(p + L) = g(p)g(L)$.
Integrating gives $I_r = \alpha K \frac{\Gamma(n)}{c^n}$, $I_p = \beta K \frac{\Gamma(n)}{c^n}$ and $I_{p+L} = \beta K e^{-cL} \frac{\Gamma(n)}{c^n}$.
Simplifying (since $K > 0$) we get: $\alpha \geq \beta e^{-cL}$ and by symmetry $\beta \geq \alpha e^{-cL}$. Therefore, $\alpha = \beta$.