The Harms of

Historical Hyperbole

Dylan Spicker, PhD Candidate (Presented on June 30th 2021)

George Dantzig Portrait

Who was George Dantzig?

An American Mathematician/Statistician who created the simplex algorithm for linear programming.

Operations Researchers: "Oh no. We can't check 70! combinations. That will take longer than the heat death of the universe. Aweh shucks."

The Simplex Algorithm ENTER STAGE RIGHT

The Simplex Algorithm: "I can do that, fast and effectively! Even on computers from the 1940s!"

Operations Researchers: "Yay! Now we can solve all of these allocation problems effectively."

Good George Dantzig Will Hunting

Some liberties were taken...

This incredible clickbait ACTUALLY EXISTS! You won't believe the view count!

The Unsolved Homework Problems

Person running late. Math written on chalkboard. Person working hard, writing. Incredibly messy desk.
Knocking on a door. Person asking 'Do you have any idea what you have done?'. Person saying 'Come on, we are going binder shopping.'.

What lessons are learned from this?

Good Will Hunting Youtube Video on George Dantzig Picture of Me
  1. George Dantzig was a genius.
  2. Positive thinking makes you into a genius.
  3. Geniuses finish their disserations in a week.
Therein lies my beef.

Those lessons are lies*.

* or at least not justified by the storied event.
Old picture of me and my siblings.
May 13, 2005
Washington post obituary of George Dantzig.
May 13, 2005
Look at all the famous people.

Plot Twist

I used to kind of love Dantzig.
We need to make sure we always take care of ourselves. It is important to do what is right for us, always, regardless of any extrinsic forces. You matter.

Please, if you ever need to chat, email me or reach out. [email protected]

We need to do a better job at recognizing the impact of the environments that we create have on others. My talk is tongue-in-cheek and meant to be entertaining, but that is simply a tool at cutting through our inability to discuss these issues frankly. I promise I will get back to less serious slides next, but please take this to heart. If it is helpful, remember that other people feel like you do and want to be there to support you.

So What is My Take?

George Dantzig did what most graduate students do...
... and that is something we should celebrate.

Myth #1

These were very famous problems...

How about we co-author this one?
George Dantzig portrait. Abraham Wald portrait.
George Dantzig portrait.
7 Citations on Dantzig's First Paper 5 Citations on Dantzig's Second Paper
Simpsons Gif: Do these sound like the citation counts of a paper that is a 'very famous problem'?

Myth #2

These problems were unsolved...

Unsolved is a pretty useless adjective here.

Myth #3

Many statisticians tried and failed to solve these...

Repeat: Simpsons Gif, all you can cite. Kid asking 'why would you ask that?'. Stupid Questions 'Why are they called unsolved mysteries'?
Movie Poster: Here Comes the Math. Jerry Seinfeld: What's the deal with proofs in presentations?

Fun Math

Assume that $X_1, \dots, X_n$ are all i.i.d. $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$.

We wish to test $H_0: \mu = \mu_0$, versus the alternative, $H_1: \mu \neq \mu_0$.

Recall that the statistical power of a test is:\[\begin{aligned} \text{Power} &= \beta(\mu, \sigma) = P(\text{Reject }H_0; \mu, \sigma) \end{aligned} \]

Can you devise a test with power that is independent of $\sigma$?

Generalized Polar Coordinate Transformation:

We can transform $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ to a space with $(r, \theta_2, \theta_3, \dots, \theta_n)$. The Jacobian of the transformation is given by $|\Delta_r| = r^{n-1}T(\mathbf{\theta})$.

Surface Area of a Hypersphere:

The surface area of $W_r$ is given by $\int\cdots\int_{W_r}|\Delta|d\theta_1\cdots d\theta_n = r^{n-1}K$, where $K$ is functionally independent of $r$.

a 3D Hypersphere

Similar Region:

Given a parametric family of distributions, parameterized by $\theta \in \Theta$, $w$ is called similar to $W$ with size $\alpha$ if $P(\mathbf{x} \in w; \theta) = \alpha$ for all $\theta \in \Theta$.

T-distribution with t < 0 highlighted.

Theorem 1 (Neyman-Pearson, 1933):

If $\mathbf{x}$ is normally distributed, then $w$ is similar to $W$ with size $\alpha$ if and only if, for all $r \geq 0$ we have $P(\mathbf{x} \in w_r | \mathbf{x} \in W_r) = \alpha$.

Figure 9 from Neyman-Pearson (1933).

Step 1 (Assume that the region exists):

Suppose $w$ exists with $P(\mathbf{x} \in w; \mu_0) = \alpha$ and $P(\mathbf{x} \in w; \mu_1) = \beta$ for all $\sigma$. That is, $w$ is similar with size $\alpha$ similar with size $\beta$, to normal distributions parameterized by $\sigma$.

Step 2 (Invoke the Neyman-Pearson Theorem):

Define $W_r$, $W_p$, $w_r$, $w_p$. Then by Theorem 1 $P(\mathbf{x} \in w_r\mid\mathbf{x}\in W_r) = \alpha$ and $P(\mathbf{x} \in w_p\mid\mathbf{x}\in W_p) = \beta$.

Step 3 (Use some clever geometry):

Note that normal distributions are constant on hyperspheres around their means.

By (S2) we know that $w_r$ (and $w_p$) must be a constant proportion of the area of $W_r$ (and $W_p$). Therefore $\int\cdots\int_{w_r}|\Delta|d\theta_1\cdots d\theta_n = \alpha r^{n-1}K$ and $\int\cdots\int_{w_p}|\Delta_p|d\theta_1\cdots d\theta_n = \beta p^{n-1}K$.

Step 4 (Invoke Triangle Inequality)

The distance from $\mathbf{\mu_0}$ to $\mathbf{x}$ is $r$, from $\mathbf{\mu_1}$ to $\mathbf{x}$ is $p$, and from $\mathbf{\mu_0}$ to $\mathbf{\mu_1}$ is $L = \sqrt{n}|\mu_0 - \mu_1|$. By the triangle inequality we get $r \leq L + p$ and $p \leq r + L$.

If $g(t)$ is taken to be an arbitrary monotone function, then the inequality is preserved*.

* or flipped, if $g(t)$ is monotonically decreasing.

Step 5 (Integrate over our region):

Define $I_r(g) = \int_{w} g(r)dx_1\cdots dx_n$ which is transformed to $I_r(g) = \int_w g(r)|\Delta|drd\theta_2\cdots d\theta_n$. We can compute \[I_r(g) = \alpha K \int_{0}^\infty r^{n-1}g(r)dr.\] Also: $I_p(g) = \beta K \int_{0}^\infty p^{n-1}g(p)dp$ and $I_{p+L}(g) = \beta K \int_{0}^\infty g(p+L)p^{n-1}dp$.

Step 6 (Fix the monotone function):

Take $g(t) = \exp(-ct)$ for $c \geq 0$.

Then $g(r) \geq g(p + L) = g(p)g(L)$.

Integrating gives $I_r = \alpha K \frac{\Gamma(n)}{c^n}$, $I_p = \beta K \frac{\Gamma(n)}{c^n}$ and $I_{p+L} = \beta K e^{-cL} \frac{\Gamma(n)}{c^n}$.

Step 7 (Simplify and Arrive at Contradiction):

Simplifying (since $K > 0$) we get: $\alpha \geq \beta e^{-cL}$ and by symmetry $\beta \geq \alpha e^{-cL}$. Therefore, $\alpha = \beta$.

$W$ is the sample space.

$\mathbf{x} = (x_1, \dots, x_n)$ is a sample point.

$w$ is the rejection region.

$W_r$ is an $n$-dimensional hypersphere (i.e. $\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \mu_0)^2 = r^2$).

$w_r$ is the intersection $W_r \bigcap w$.

Cute Cats


Gladiator Gif: 'Are you not skeptical that this proof evaded everyone?'

Myth #4

The Six Week PhD...

Solved the homework problems.
Published the solution to the first problem.
Enlisted in the airforce for WWII.
Completed his doctoral dissertation.
Published the solution to the second problem.
Pi Chart with time spent on various 'research' activities.

The True Story

of Dantzig's Homework

We are too hard on ourselves. Our stories are not so different.

Thank You.

[email protected]